Happy Monday Morning to all of you. How was your weekend?
Saturday we got up early (around 5:00) to drive the 100 miles to my parents house. They wanted us there that early to go out to breakfast with them. That my mom even felt like like leaving the house for a meal was a huge improvement over her condition two weeks ago. We ended up visiting several hours and eating lunch with them, too, which was a combination of a dish I took and things I put together out of their fridge. My mom was able to stay out of bed for most of our visit (she took a short nap) and my dad was able to get out of the house for a while with Shane while Kat and I stayed with my mom.
After leaving my parents' house we stopped on our way home at our friends John's and Trish's. We just needed to drop something off there, but we ended up staying for five hours. There's is one of those homes where there is always something going on and always people visiting. We enjoyed a meal of chili and homemade guacamole dip with some of their family and other friends, then sat around a bonfire talking (they live in the country and can have bonfires) while all the kids either played outside until they could no longer see each other or went inside and watched a movie. It was a fun night.
We had our real first taste of fall this weekend, with lows in the 40s and afternoon highs only around 60° or so. It was cool enough in the house yesterday morning that we turned on our furnace. We heat primarily with EdenPURE heaters until the coldest part of winter, but we wanted to give the furnace a test run to make sure it is working properly. Of course, it emitted that odor of burnt dust in the vents. I have mixed emotions about that smell. It isn't exactly pleasant, but it DOES remind me of Fall, which is my favorite season. One of our cats, Siesta, HATES that smell. I think she thinks it's smoke. Shane and I were both up, but Kat was still asleep. Siesta sat at her doorway and meowed loudly until Kat was awake and out of bed. Then she (Siesta) was fine. Funny thing is, Siesta doesn't seem to like Kat any other time.
Yesterday afternoon I volunteered at our county's recycling drop-off station, which is in our town one weekend a month. All I had to do was help folks unload their recyclables, make sure they didn't include any of the forbidden items, pet their dogs if they brought them, and sit in the van and read between "customers". It's not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
I wrapped up the weekend by trying this recipe by Bobby Flay that was in Parade Magazine a few Sundays ago. I meant to try it when I first bought all those peaches in late July or early August, but I didn't get it worked into my menu. It works just as well with frozen peaches. I really liked it, although I'm not usually a fan of fruit and meat in the same dish.
Today I have a quick thyroid checkup at the doctor, then I'm home again to try to get organized. Last week, with our computer problems, I didn't get my epic to-do lists printed. They are such a help and a habit for me that I have to admit, I was completely lost without them.
One last thing. Trish and John have invited us to a Halloween party. Can you believe that this will only be my second Halloween party and will be Shane's first!? Kat has decided on her costume I think, but Shane and I need some ideas. We are willing to go as a themed couple, but we're OK with having unrelated costumes, too. Let me know if you have any ideas.
My dad asked why Shane thinks he even needs a costume. Shane told him it was because he was tired of being Prince Charming all the time. They are both so full of crap.
Hope you all have a great week. Let me know what you'll be doing?
Monday, October 4, 2010
Monday Morning Chit Chat - Autumn In The Air Edition
Posted by
Annie Jones
7:07 AM
Monday Morning Chit Chat
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Hi there! We spent the majority of our saturday at son's band competition. It was not too bad out temp. wise. I stayed fairly comfortable in my long sleeves, jacket, coat, gloves; it was just soooo windy though! Blew some of my cookie containers right off of my snack table!!
Yesterday was spent at home trying to get over this silly cold. I made chili for supper and boy oh boy...was that ever tasty!!!
I like the idea of your EdenPURE heater. We use something like that at the thrift store where I volunteer. We have no way to heat our store space upstairs, so the boss put one of those up there a few years ago. That is our only source of heat and that little unit does a dandy job! :)
It sounds like y'all had a wonderful weekend. I hope your check up goes well. How are the migraines? We started our heater this weekend too--I also have mixed emotions about that smell--it does remind me of good things to come. I made gumbo this weekend--good eating!!
I'm glad your mom was feeling better and that y'all got to spend some quality time with her. Your dad sounds like a hoot.
Same old same old going on here this week--cleaning, cooking, crocheting and knitting. I hope you have a lovely week.
Wow, sounds like you had a busy weekendtoo! That is so wonderful you got to spend time with your parents and your close friends. What a treasure. We had cooler temps also and I enjoyed them. Fall is my favorite season! Hope you have a lovely week!
What a wonderful sounding weekend! We did the furnace "test" just last night. I'm with you on the smell, don't particularly like it, but it brings a flood of cozy memories on.
PS.... Have you entered my SodaStream Fountain Jet giveaway? There are lots of things you can do with it other than make your own soda/pop.
Good Morning! It sounds as though you had a lovely weekend. Our weekend was equally enjoyable. Friday night, my husband and I took our daughter to the local high school football game. On Saturday, he particpated in a motorcycle ride to benefit our Relay for Life team, while I went shopping with my parents and daughter. We all met up for lunch and in the afternoon the hubby and I went furniture shopping. I was able to score a great deal on a new couch and a new bed.
This week will be spent working, teaching aerobics at my church, and preparing for the new furniture to arrive.
LOL! Prince Charming all the time. LOVE it.
I spent the weekend going to a mission rally, cleaning out my son's room, moving my daughters clothes out of mine into that one. Then on Sunday, church, 4H Cloverland thing, a friends for a little bit, then home to do a little work for work (which I found out today was totally the wrong thing to do..) and then veg after supper.
I think I need another weekend...
Shane told him it was because he was tired of being Prince Charming all the time.
I sat here and laughed out loud at Shane's remark!! Too funny! You should be a princess and make Shane go as a toad. LOL!
How wonderful to spend Halloween somewhere that you can build a bonfire.
Sounds like you have some great friends. We met one of Anna's friends and his parents for dinner at parents weekend. It was so nice just to sit and talk!
And it sounds like you have a really good cat! Ours goes nuts too when I burn dinner. Den calls the fire alarm the dinner bell when I'm cooking!
Glad to hear your mom seems to be doing better! How was your checkup?
I'm terrible at Halloween costumes, but a friend's twins dressed up as an elephant and a peanut last year if that helps. ;-)
Your weekend sounds WONDERFUL! It's definately fall here - an early one for us - with cooler temps, and 'magic' in the air. I love it! Our oldest son is home from Baghdad on vacation and is getting a huge garden (or small farm?) plowed up for us, plus a chicken yard area. Our baby chicks arrived today and are keeping toasty under the heat lamp. I've been doing a little yard work and babysitting our youngest granddaughter more than usual. Today I started putting up Halloween decorations.
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