Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A week or so ago, I was refilling some of my spice containers and the thought struck me that maybe I have too many of them.  Maybe I was a spice freak or an herb-aholic.  So I decided to conduct a not even close to scientific study on just how many spices are the right amount to have in a kitchen cabinet.

Of the 27 of you who played along, here's how things stacked up:

5 or fewer spices - 0
5 to 10 - 1
10 to 25 - 11
25 to 50 - 9
Too many to count - 6

Unless you left a comment, I don't know what your answer was.  I was in the "too many to count" category, although I did count, and came up with 73, even after I subtract a few duplicates.  I had the company of five other readers in that category, so I'm happy to know I'm not freakishly freaky over spices.  Just a little freaky.

Here's how I organize my spices.  Most of them are in those little square plastic freezer containers, with a few Tupperware stacking spice containers and a few still in the store containers.  I like the freezer containers because they fit so snugly on my shelves that there is no room for the spices to become a mess.

And yes, they are all labeled.  But they aren't alphabetized.


Lindsay said...

73? wow, I didn't even know there were that many spices. I was one of the 11 with up to 25 spices. I like your storage choice. Do you buy your spices in bulk?

Mark said...

I don't cook but your Organizational skills turn me on.
Your Friend, m.

slugmama said...

Your tupperwares turn ME on....

All I can say is that we will always be united in our freakiness.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

I did play but I don't have your 73, only about 64. I love your storage system.

Sonya Ann said...

I'm with Mark! And could you please fix my house?

A.Marie said...

Holy Cow!! You are definitely the Spice Queen! I didn't get in on the original post, but I have only about 8-10 spices. I am definitely a spice newbie!! lol

A.Marie said...

....and I'm with Mark AND Sluggy....LOL

McVal said...

You mean you don't just throw the Tones 99 cent containers in a box in the cupboard then dig for them when you need something? wow. You are super organized! I'm very impressed.

Annie Jones said...

I'm so glad that I can turn so many of you on...LOL!

And I think McVal is on to something there...