Yesterday Shane and I did almost nothing that could be classified as work. And guess what? The world didn't suddenly come to an end or anything.
Our day included waking up on our own (no alarm), looking through the Sunday paper over coffee, going out for a late breakfast, returning the work truck to Shane's boss, coming home and napping (me) while Shane and Kat played a couple of board games, cooking and eating supper, then relaxing for a short time before bed. No gardening, no laundry, no cleaning.
Just a quick glance around the house lets me know today will have to be very different.
I absolutely, positively have to balance the checkbook and pay bills today, as I skipped doing it last week (I try to do it each Monday).
I also have to do something with all the cucumbers I picked last week. Since they are already a few days out of the garden, I suppose I'll make more refrigerator pickles instead of actually canning them. We all like the fridge pickles the best anyway.
I anticipate having more tomatoes to can this week, too. I like to cut them into large chunks and can them plain, with just a little salt (and a little citric acid for the low-acid yellow ones). That way, I can use them to make salsa, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, etc., later as we need those things, instead of trying to guess now how much salsa or pasta sauce we'll need later.
Our other main activity for this week include school enrollment on Thursday morning. Historically, it's only taken a few minutes for us to get through the enrollment process, but this year they have centralized enrollment for all grades in the same building, so it might be a little more hectic. They did, however, assign each student to one of four days by last-name initial, so at least not every student will be there on Thursday.
I can't believe school starts in just 22 days! From a parental standpoint, I'm ready for it, but in trying to see it from a kid's point of view, it seems like summer vacation is getting shorter all the time.
I hope all of you had a good weekend. What's in store for you this week? For those of you with kids, when do they return to class?
July Grocery/Pantry Challenge:
Items Purchased Today (store brand unless indicated): None
Amount Spent Today (including tax): $0.00
Amount Spent To Date in July (including tax): $149.92

Gosh, poor kids. The summers seem to get shorter and shorter for school age children!
Some times you just need a down day. I need to make a few calls this week, find a new doctors office that we are supposed to go to on Thursday and go get dog food!! I think I need to buy bigger bags--seems like I'm always going to buy dog food!
Have a wonderful week!!
Stopping by from Lady Bloggers! What a helpful, fun and unique blog concept!! :) Have your week is fabulous!
[Life of Meg]
What a wonderful day you had! Sometimes you just need to take a day off and relax.
Nothing exciting for me this week. Just working and peeling peaches tonight and maybe tomorrow night.
Sheila and Frances: You're right about needing a down day sometimes. Usually I can't sit still for one, but I had no problem with it yesterday. :)
Meg: Hello to a fellow KC blogger! Thanks for stopping by. I'll be around to check out your site and also the Lady Bloggers soon. :)
I was just thinking the same thing. Although the weather in July has been pretty sucktacular, Chloe starts back to school on 26 August. It feels like no time at all and we're still trying to squeeze in that camping trip.
At least once she starts back I can guarantee that the weather will be brilliant so if all else fails we'll be able to go away the weekend of 28th because it's a bank holiday and the schools are closed. I know they're only back two days and off again, don't ask:)
Nothing special planned this week. I've been sick with a sinus/chest cold for a week now and can't get over it. errrr I hate being sick during the summer.
I forgot to mention earlier, I tried to call you the other day when I was in your town. (Wednesday) I didn't leave a message though. I wanted to know if you bought the Rooto lye from Westlake to make your soap. I'm bought ready to make mine. Hopefully tomorrow morning. How's yours doing? Any tips now that it's been curing a week? How's it looking?
Lisa B: I wondered if that was you. I called right back and the male voice on you message said it was Lisa's phone. You're the only Lisa I know. :)
Yes, we bought the Rooto lye at Westlake. The one pound bottle of crystals is more than enough for a batch, but if we continue to make it, we'll start buying the 6 lb. tub because it's a lot cheaper. Our soap looks good after a week. It's still a little pliable if you press on it hard, but it's getting more firm every day.
High School starts here Aug. 30th for the younger two.
Matt has to be at college on Aug.29th.(He gets home from his summer job on Aug. 21st and will leave on the 28th and won't be home again until the week before Xmas.)
I am so ready for high school to start...but first we must survive BAND CAMP...EEK!!lol
Annie you called right back? I walked around Westlake thinking you probably would and my phone never rang or showed a missed call! errrr I hate it when it does that.
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