I did some more canning yesterday. I canned 2 pints of yellow tomatoes, 2 pints of Dilly Beans (pickled green beans), 4 half-pints of tomato relish, and 2 half-pints of cranberry rum relish (from frozen cranberries). I was going to make more pickles, too, but I had to help Shane with something and ran out of time.
I doubt I get the pickles canned today, either. We're headed out to breakfast, then for a 90-minute round-trip drive to return the work truck to Shane's boss. Shane's had it for the last couple of weeks while the boss was on vacation. By the time we get home after a long drive on a full belly, I'll probably have lost all motivation for canning or anything else productive.
July Grocery/Pantry Challenge:
Items Purchased Today (store brand unless indicated): Shane picked up a 2-lb. bag of brown sugar and a quart of half-and-half for me yesterday.
Amount Spent Today (including tax): $3.02
Amount Spent To Date in July (including tax): $149.92

I used to help my neighbor can, but she became an alcoholic and moved away. I miss the canning more than I miss her. :(
Canning - isn't it fun? It sounds like you worked hard this week.
We LOVE pickles here at our house! If you ever need a good recipe, I have a really great one here:
Have a great day!
Gorgeous canning. I watched my neighbor put up some tomatoes last year. Can't wait until I have a garden and can put things up. I checked my crab apples but they aren't quite ready to make jelly yet. Have a wonderful week.
I have canned NOTHING! We eat it too fast I guess. lol
I'm hoping by mid week to have enough baby cukes to can a few pickles. By the way, how is your cucumbers doing? Ours are acting a little weird, not wanting to turn all the way green before getting mushy. Any suggestions?
Picked a bunch of stuff out of the garden today.
Shelli: I don't think it was supposed to, but your comment made me chuckle.
Rachel: Thanks for stopping by! I have your website bookmarked and will be visiting it soon.
Sheila: Thanks!
Lisa B: I'm not sure what could be wrong. Maybe they aren't being pollinated. When our squash don't get pollinated, they shrivel and get mushy like that. So far, our cukes are doing well. Our spaghetti squash ended up with an airborne fungus AND vine borers, too.
We pulled the squash just as they were turning yellow, though, so hopefully they are ripe enough. I read that if they aren't fully ripe, they can be eaten like a summer squash, so we should be ok either way.
How beautiful! I just love see jars of canned goods! They are so lovely.
I'm with Frances.....doesn't it just give you a great feeling to step back and look at all those lovely jars? Hard work but so worth the effort when you get to eat them. ;-)
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