After a week of utter bratty-ness from Kat and yesterday's aches, pains and grouchiness on my part, today we finally had a good day.
When Kat got out of bed, I told her that after she helped me with some chores, we could do something fun. I asked her what she wanted to do and she said either go to the park or go to Crown Center. (Here are some pics from her birthday last year at Crown Center). I had been thinking of Crown Center myself, so I didn't say no, just that we would figure it out once we were done with our work.
While I was working on something too complicated for Kat's help, I kept her busy by asking her to count her money. I knew she had been saving for her first Zhu Zhu Pet. Once she saw she had more than enough saved for a Pet, she scrapped the Crown Center idea and opted for a trip to the store and lunch out instead. I didn't say so, but I was happy because I wasn't really up for the drive into the city since I still had some garden chores to do.
At the store, Kat found her toy and was very well behaved while I picked up a few things I needed. I needed to find her new flip-flops; she's already worn out the ones I bought her at Easter. I got lucky when she insisted on the least expensive ones in the store because they were her favorite color -- pink, of course.
After the store, I gave her the option of three fast food places for lunch, and she picked Backyard Burger. That's my favorite of the three, but she didn't know that. They are one of the few places where I can enjoy a burger while I'm eating it and not have to worry about it making me feel blech (technical term) from it later. I had a BOGO coupon, so both of us ate for less than $5.50.
Then we headed to Home Depot for a Father's Day gift. Forget the power tools and barbecue grills -- we headed straight for the plants. Shane's a gardener, so we bought him a perennial lily to plant in our yard. We have no doubt he'll love it, but if you think that's a gift for a not-very-macho hubby/pepaw, just keep it to yourself or I'll have to hunt you down and defend his honor by kicking your butt. ;)
Now we're back home, watching and laughing at the Zhu Zhu Pet, and waiting for Shane to get home to give him his gift, early because Kat will be with her mom this weekend.
It's been a really good day so far. It almost makes it worth putting up with the ones that aren't so good.

It sounds like a great day! I went to look at the pics from last year and saw a comment from ME! I have been following you for that long??? I was surprised.
I think a plant is a perfect gift for a man. My man enjoys getting plants AND flowers. No ass kicking needed here.
Glad you had a good day--hope your weekend is as good--or better!!!
"We have no doubt he'll love it, but if you think that's a gift for a not-very-macho hubby/pepaw, just keep it to yourself or I'll have to hunt you down and defend his honor by kicking your butt. ;)"
Ok, Shane works construction so no doubt if I did make a crack, he could turn me on a lathe or hammer 2x4's onto my head.
I know when to shut my big mouth....Happy Pepaw Day to Shane! ;-)
Robert would quiet like a plant for Father's Day too, preferably something he could eat:) We're not allowed to buy himn tools for any kind of present a) because he has enough already and b) because tools mean work and he doesn't want work for a present either.
My hubby LOVES trees and has gotten trees for his birthday and father's day before. He also loves perennials. Nothing wrong with that!
Hope you can enjoy some free time this weekend!
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