A month or so ago, I took a break from blogging and also, for most of that time, from the Internet in general. During the couple of weeks I was off-line, I decided to make homemade noodles. Noodles are a basic food, but I don't make them often, so I wanted to double check the proportions of eggs to flour. I was really surprised to find that there were no recipes for egg noodles in any of my cookbooks (and I have quite a few).
I went with my gut that day in regard to proportions, and I haven't looked for a recipe online since then. But I decided that since I don't have a hard-copy recipe anywhere in the house, I might as well put it here on the blog to make it easy to find next time I want it.
Basic Egg Noodles
2 egg
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon salt
Combine as pictured below. Can half or double as needed, keeping proportions at 2:1:1. Cook noodles in boiling salted water until tender. Freshly made noodles will cook more quickly than dried or frozen noodles.
Crack eggs and add to the well in the flour.
Break yolks with your fingers, then start mixing, gradually bringing in flour from the edges of the mound.
Eventually the dough will form and your hands with be caked with it, making it very hard to take step-by-step photos when you have no tripod.
Roll the dough out onto floured surface, making it as thin as possible. I used my kitchen table because my counters aren't big enough. The noodles will fatten up as they cook.
Fold well-floured dough into thirds; this makes the cutting go more quickly.
Use whatever you're comfortable using to cut noodles. I used kitchen scissors because I didn't want to damage my table.
Unfold the noodles. You can either let them dry completely before storing in an airtight container, freeze them on a cookie sheet then store in the freezer in plastic bags, or use them immediately, like I did.
This is a pile of uncooked noodles, dusted with a little more flour to keep them from sticking together.
And here are the cooked noodles, ready to use with sauce or in a casserole.

I never knew it could be so easy to make egg noodles. I had an aunt who made noodles and she made so many at one time that she had them hanging all over the house to dry. We just may have to give this a try.
My grandma never used an exact recipe for her noodles. She broke a few eggs, threw in some salt and then added enough flour until the dough was stiff. Yum!
I found a small rolling slicer, I think its for herbs or something, on clearance @ Target. Its perfect for slicing up thin noodles for chicken soup! Otherwise I just used my pizza cutter & that worked really well.
Dang it, I miss noodles :( I wonder if I can sub in the GF baking mix instead of flour? Might be worth a shot.
Sheila: The only hard part is cleaning up the mess. ;)
Miranda: Good to see you! Hope you're having a good summer. I should probably try making the noodles your grandma's way next time.
Sarah: If I had rolled them on my countertop (already cut on) or a cutting board, I would have used my pizza cutter, which is one of those half-moon, rocking kind. I used to have a really neat turned wood noodle cutter that I got a hundred years ago at Silver Dollar City. I'm not sure what happened to it, but it worked a lot like your herb slicer. Quick and easy!
Now that looks good enough to eat!lol
I should get out my italian dough roller and make some pasta......
yummy, yummy, yummy.....My Aunt's used to make chicken and noodles, with homemade noodles, when we'd have family reunions, and I can still those homemade noodles draped over my Aunt's dryer racks. :)
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