We've had a lot of rain here lately, but the sun peaked out last Friday afternoon, so I ran out and got a few pictures of the garden. I don't think planting out early helped us any, but at least it's beginning to grow a little. Actually, things look even better this morning and some things grew noticeably over the weekend, but I don't have time to take new pics to replace these.
You'll notice in some of the pictures a concrete "ditch" of sorts behind our fence. That's a city waterway for rainwater runoff. We've been told that before they built it (before we moved here) our yard was sloped and flooded often when it rained. I guess some people would have been put off by it and not bought the property, but we considered it a plus. It makes our yard seem larger than it is (because we seem farther away from our neighbor's yards to the west and behind us to the south). If we had our way, we'd have one on the east side, too. It would be almost like a moat, and you know what they say...good moats make good neighbors.
pansies and vinca vine.
mixed lettuces, peppers and green onions (not up yet).
We thought it was a goner, but it looks like it will survive.

Very nice - I'm jealous of your sunny yard. We have too much shade to grow very much where we live now. I miss my big sunny country yard! Looks like you're going to be busy in the fall! Do you do a lot of canning or freezing?
WOW--love all your gardening. I sometimes wish we had gone ahead with a garden but we didn't. Hopefully---next year!! Looks like y'all have a little bit of everything. I am fascinated with the potato bins--is there a certain reason for planting them like that? Pa-Paw--and us too--just planted them in the ground like anything else.
I see lots of good eating in your future!! Have a great day.
Jinmo: Did you garden when you lived with you in-laws? Their yard looks nice and sunny. Last year I froze most of our surplus but this year, if there's enough, I'll do some canning.
Sheila: The potato bins are done that way mostly to get more potatoes from the same amount of space. You plant the chitted potatoes in loose soil/straw/compost mix, then every time they break through and start growing on top, you cover them again. The result by the time the bin is full and the potatoes are ready should be potatoes throughout the bin. We shall see...
That is really neat about the potatoes. I'll have to try to remember that when we next have a garden. Thanks for sharing.
It looks AMAZING! I have my little plants out the back door. I think that is probably all we are going to do. Den talked about a garden but I think we are a bit late. Oh well maybe my next life time!
And I love your frog.Have you kissed him?
I am so jealous! My garden looks like a weedpit and nothing has been touched in it so far this year.
The potato things have me very intrigued! I've got to try that some year!
Beautiful! I look forward to seeing it grow. And seeing what it grows.
Sheila and McVal: I'm pretty sure I got the idea from Down To Earth, but you can also just do a search for "growing potatoes in a _____" (put cage, basket, bag, barrel, or whatever container you can think of in the blank). You'll get lots of results and the method is about the same for all of the types of containers.
Frances: Thanks! I'll try to keep the updates coming.
SonyaAnn: Oops, I missed you there. I was too busy kissing the frog.
Very nice. I started my tomatoes from seed, they're doing all right, but I sure wish they were up to where your plants are already. I always bought plants before, they're growing much slower from seed than I had thought.
Doug: Sorry, but I think I unintentionally misled you. Most of our tomatoes from seed didn't make it; we have about 4 that did, and they are in containers. The ones in the raised beds (with cages) are from plants. We've never had luck from seeds before, so if any of them put on fruit, we'll be happily surprised.
Being a great lover of garden art, I enjoyed going through your blog. keep it up the good work.
Things look like they are coming along nicely.
Did any of your leggy cuke plants make it after transplating? Just curious....
Sorry I am not a very good comment-leaver lately but I am still trying to recover from Sunday. I think the sunburn fried my brain too.lol
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