Thursday, April 29, 2010


Those of you who've been around here a while know I like to take a break now and then.  Not only have I not had a blog break since just after Christmas, I've been writing something almost every day.  Yes, a break is definitely in order for me.

A couple of months ago I closed my Facebook account and I haven't regretted my decision once.  I'm NOT closing down the blog -- I have no intention of doing that at all -- but I need a real and true respite from the computer and internet.  Shane, on the other hand, doesn't spend a lot of time online, but gets frustrated daily with the quirkiness that is either our internet provider or maybe just our computer.  So, after a long discussion (yeah, it took all of half a minute), we've decided to unplug the computer for a couple of weeks.

I know from the past, when our computer has been on the fritz, that it seemed like a pain in the butt at first, until I realized how much I was getting done around the house and how much I liked doing some things the "old ways", like looking for recipes in old-fashioned paper-and-ink cookbooks or visiting a friend face-to-face instead of via email.

I might post something in the morning, and I'll write my weekly (and last, I think) grocery spending update tomorrow night.  Then, I'll be turning the computer off and unplugging it and hiding the the modem in the basement or using the monitor as a centerpiece in the kitchen or whatever else it takes to stay offline for two full weeks.

But I will be back.  I promise.


Sheila said...

Enjoy your time away--bet you get lots done.

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

All I can say is you be missssssed!

Miranda said...

Have a great break! It's amazing how much blogging can suck away your time... between writing posts and visiting other blogs. I hope you get a lot done and have beautiful weather to enjoy! See ya.

DarcyLee said...

Enjoy your time offline. I know you'll have lots to share when you come back.

Tug said...

Enjoy your break! We all need that once in awhile. ;-)

slugmama said...

2 whole weeks?....are you mad woman!?!lol

I will miss stalker, er....following you.

Enjoy your low tech weeks!

Candy said...

You are a better woman then I. Enjoy the break.

Sonya Ann said...

Oh God, now what am I going to do? I'll have withdrawals!
Enjoy your time off and don't forget about me!

Frances said...

I am missing you! But I hope you are enjoying your time off!