Wednesday, December 26, 2007

It's Official

I finally received word that I've been officially selected for the seasonal work at IRS. I start January 22 and will work for approximately 5 months, depending on my performance and how the tax season plays out. If taxpayer filings are later overall, I may have the opportunity to work a little later into the year.

When the season is over, and assuming good work performance, I will be placed on a call-back list and can take other work until they ask me to come back. I plan to do temp work during the off-season.


A Little Thing To Save Money: Now that I know for sure when I'll start work and what hours I'll be working, I've registered with a couple of different carpool/ride share networks in hopes of finding a way to keep gasoline costs down.

A Little Thing To Simplify Our Lives: When my job begins, I'll need to leave the house at about the time I currently get up in the mornings. Between now and my start date, I'll gradually get myself and Kat up a little earlier each morning so that getting up early won't be such a shock.


Sheila said...

ooh, so you can do my taxes for me? great! ;)

Donna said...

Bet you're so glad to have that worry off your mind!!! Hope all is well with you!!!

Granny said...


Dannalie said...

Hi! Donna sent me to your site. She thought I might like it and I do!

Good luck with the job!

Annie Jones said...

Sheila: Yeah, I can, but I can't take money for it. Hope that's not a problem. ;)

Dadguy and Gay: Thanks!

Donna: Yes, it's nice to know for sure what's going on.

Dannalie: Welcome! I'll be over to see your blog soon!

Sheila said...

Why can't you take money? How about DQ gift certificates? LD

Annie Jones said...

IRS considers it a conflict of interest to receive money for both preparing returns and reviewing them as an IRS employee.

And btw, should my own return or the return of anyone I know (or even think I know), land on my desk, I have to take it immediately to a supervisor for someone else to review. I can lose my job if I review it myself.

On the other hand, if a celebrity's return comes through, assuming I don't actually know the person, I can look at their return all I want...I just can't tell anyone what I learn from it.