Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's time for another blog break.

Oh, I know...I spend more time taking blog breaks than I do blogging. Chalk it up to a weird year around here. Shane's been gone, all told, for about 15 weeks this year so far, my mom passed away, we had that awful (and long) heat wave that kept me from being as productive outside as I might have been. It's been an unusual year, to say the least.

I didn't have much problem slipping into a routine when Shane was gone in the spring, but this time around, I'm having the worst time trying to find my groove. There is a lot of work that can't be done until he's back to help me, but there's plenty I could be doing if I'd just get my lazy butt off the computer.

Which is what I'm going to do. No posts for a while...although I'll be reading your blogs and showing up on FB once in a while (probably).

I just didn't want to leave you hanging, wondering if I'd dropped off the face of the earth. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, so I'll just say...

Ta Ta For Now!


Sheila said...

Enjoy your break. I'm taking one but I didn't bother to post about it--I'm being lazy like that!!! I've had a hard time getting back into the every day things around here since we got back from vacation. I have been getting lots done just nothing to post about!! Take care.

Mark said...

Take it easy!
Your Friend, m.

Dmarie said...

you'll be missed...hope your break is as productive as you need it to be and hope you find some fun as well!

Sonya Ann said...

Enjoy your break! You have earned it. Though I have to say that every time that I quit writing, I accomplish less. Maybe that is just my way of saying that I will miss you and your wit.

A.Marie said...

Enjoy your break!!!!!! :)

slugmama said...

That's just me throwing a hissy fit because I won't be able to come here and read your stuff.
Gosh dang it!!