Friday, April 22, 2011

Cuttin' Up

I had planned a garden update for today, but it's gray and rainy outside here this morning.  It's a perfect day for baking Easter cookies and a chance to show you my cookie cutter collection.

It really didn't become a full-fledged obsession collection until a couple of weeks ago.  Up until then, I had a few cutters for various occasions.  They were the typical cutters for Halloween, Christmas, etc.  Then I found out about the blog called This Lunch Rox and saw all the cute things she was doing with her son's lunch.  That started the wheels turning. Then...I discovered a place here in the Kansas City area called Off The Beaten Path, where you can get just about any cookie cutter you can think of at reasonable prices.  (Not in KC?  No problem.  They are primarily a mail-order business.)

After visiting Off The Beaten Path, I now officially have a collection of cutters.

Here are the cutters we'll be using today to make Easter cookies from this recipe:

Among this mess, there are Christmas and Winter cutters, Halloween and Autumn Cutters, Springtime Cutters, and Insect/Critter Cutters (trust me, a tiny caterpillar cookie cutter is adorable). 

There are cutters shaped like Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades.  There are musical notes and a guitar.  There is a cat and a mouse and a Scotty dog (Kat's school mascot) and a dog bone. 

There's one shaped like the state of Missouri.  There are hearts and stars galore, round biscuit cutters, a cactus, a price tag or gift tag, a sign language "I Love You" and a t-shirt.  And I'm sure there are a few I haven't mentioned.  (I had photographed them in groups, but my camera didn't cooperate and I just didn't have it in me to pose them again...sorry.)

The crazy thing is, I much prefer making drop cookies or homemade slice-and-bakes.  But I do love these for cutting sandwiches and brownies for Kat's lunch.  I've also heard that some people use them for stencils to cut paper or fabric shapes for crafts and quilts.  They're good for cutting cookies, too, of course.  That's something I do for Kat and Shane.  Collection or no collection, if I had my lazy way, I'd probably never make another roll-out cookie in my life!


The Cookbook Junkie said...

I don't mind cutout cookies as much since I discovered the trick of rolling the dough out between sheets of parchment paper.

I have a bunch of cookie cutters too (I once bought one of those huge plastic sets and I've collected some others over the years) but it seems like I never have time to use them when I'd really like to use them the most - around holidays.

Mark said...

I don't bake cookies but I sure can eat them. Make sure you photograph and post your results.
Have a good weekend!
Your Friend, m.
p.s. My Word Verification is "shint". That's pushing it, don't you think? m.

Lindsay said...

I have TONS of vintage cookie cutters, yet I use them maybe... maybe once a year. Shame really when they are just so darn cute!

Unknown said...

I admit I don't have many cookie cutters, at least not compared to you:) We've the bog standard set of shapes (hearts stars etc) numbers and letters that came in one big tin. gingerbread men (mini and mahoosive) and a set of animal cutters that are closed at the top and imprint a picture of the animal on top of the cookie for "colouring in" later:)

I still find we end up making the kind of cookies that need rolling into a ball or drop cookies because they're easier.

I've used them for sandwiches, usually when Chloe is grumping about having to eat, the metal ones make cool moulds for pancakes and fried eggs except the mahoosive gingerbread man, he's a frightening prospect no matter what he's made of.