Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekly Menu Retrospective - 3/13 to 3/19

I'm a menu planner, but when I've tried to post my weekly menus here in the past, they weren't accurate because I often change things at the last minute. On the other hand, I really like being able to look back to see what we've eaten, what we loved, what we disliked, and most of all being able to link to the recipes on my menus that have come from other blogs. That's why I prefer to post my weekly menus after the fact.


Sunday, March 13 - Kentucky Grilled Chicken, Spaghetti Squash, Green Beans, Ice Cream

This is a very tasty chicken recipe.  It was too cold and damp to grill, so I baked it in the oven and it turned out just fine.  I also used boneless chicken pieces, so it looked a lot different than Heidi's picture.

Monday, March 14 - Chinese Honey Chicken, Brown Rice, Crab Rangoon, Egg Drop Soup, Cooked Chopped Broccoli, Fortune Cookies

The chicken was good, but overall, this wasn't the best Chinese meal I've made.  Everything just seemed like it could use a little more flavor.

Tuesday, March 15
- Grilled Cheeseburgers, Grilled German Pork Burgers, Tater Tots, Cooked Chopped Broccoli

I've wanted to try these German Pork Burgers for a while.  I even bought juniper berries just for this recipe, yet the sat in the cabinet for a few months.  Having finally tried them, I liked them.  They were more sausage than burger, and the topping of sauerkraut was delicious, if you're into it.  Shane and I both decided that, while they aren't something we'd want often, we'll definitely make and eat these again.

Wednesday, March 16 - Leftovers from earlier meals.

Shane and I were outside prepping the garden beds and ended up eating later than usual.  I was glad we had leftovers to turn to on a busy night.

Thursday, March 17
- Corned Beef, Irish Colcannon Potatoes, Green Beans.

I sent Shane to the store to get the corned beef last week while he was on another errand.  He accidentally picked up a Boyles brand corned beef instead of the brand that was on sale, and I'm glad he did.  It really was better tasting than a lot of other brands, and since we only cook corned beef once a year, I decided I didn't mind spending more after all.

The Cajun-spice was a pleasant twist to the colcannon recipe.

Friday, March 18 - Leftovers from earlier meals.

I had thought of making something new, but with plenty of tasty leftovers in the fridge, it seemed to foolish to spend time (and more ingredients) cooking.

Saturday, March 19 - Out to eat at Zio's Italian Kitchen.

Our 11th wedding anniversary is next week, but since Shane won't be here, we decided to go out a few days early.  We also decided to make it a family meal by taking Kat along, and decided to go in the afternoon, because we aren't much for the evening dinner crowd.


Dr. Alice said...

That Kentucky Grilled Chicken recipe looks great. I wrote that one down and will try it.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

I really enjoy your commentary on the look back, very nice. It is a lot like one would hear their self saying.

PS Happy Anniversary!

Julia said...

I love menu planning. I am always working on a way to make it more applicable to my life and needs. Totally know what you mean about changing things around! You've got some tasty things listed.