I remembered to take a picture of Kat after school yesterday. Not very good ones at that, as the batteries were going dead in the camera. Dead batteries seem to be a trend around here.
Of course, she was hot and disheveled after her first day, but that's alright. She said her teacher is "so much fun". Unfortunately, her teacher was only there for the first day. She had a baby about 10 days ago and is out on maternity leave until Nov. 1. Most of the kids are familiar with their long-term sub, though, so everything should go smoothly until then.
Let me ask those of you who have kids in school...are your kids allowed to take a snack to school for either the morning or the afternoon?
Kat and her classmates are allowed a healthy snack at first recess around 10:15 or so because they are on the last lunch shift, which isn't until after 12:30. (Classes with an early lunch shift are allowed a snack in the afternoon.) The kids must bring their snack from home, are never allowed to share or trade because of potential allergies, aren't allowed anything that needs refrigeration, and aren't allowed to bring candy or soda. Today I sent Kat with a few honey pretzels, some applesauce and a bottle of water, all in reusable/refillable containers.
I know we never had the snack option, but I think it's a great idea. Sometimes it feels like forever between meals, especially for little kids.

That is nice that they can take their snacks. At least you can provide healthy food!
I'm not sure if it will work the same this year as last year but ..
last year there was a snack schedule and on your day you brought snacks for the entire class. With Nick having a peanut allergy, he had his own snacks and when it was his turn he brought snacks for everyone. He was sometimes able to eat the snack that other children brought in.
We never had snacks in school. They started offering breakfast when I was in elementary school but otherwise we just ate lunch at school. We never had birthday treats. We had a treat provided by the cafeteria if we had a special holiday party, only 2-3 times/year. We didn't get snacks at Sunday school, at sporting events, etc. It seems if you get kids together for an hour these days, there is going to be a snack provided.
For my 4th grader last year, they were allowed to bring something because their lunches were so late in the day. I sent along a box of granola bars and my daughter kept them in her locker.
No snacks in 5th grade this year. Poor thing is going to starve!
Kat is so cute!
When my kids were in school--all those many years ago--they were allowed to brings snacks for recess--I think the only reason was, the school had a little store they set up with snacks and paper, pencils, notebooks and such. It was only open at recess. That way, the kids who didn't buy something didn't have to feel so left out.
What a cutie Kat is!!!
Cute pics!
If they are going to get snacks, it is good that you can send your own snacks. That way you can control what she is getting.
When we moved down here 5 years ago I was very surprised that my kiddo was to bring a healthy snack everyday and water in a plastic container.
I agree, for little kids they need it! My favorite to send is peanut butter and crackers, due to the protein in the peanut butter. BUT it caused a problem one year because my son sat at a table with a child with peanut allergies.
She is so adorable! My daughter's school does snacks also, and they can keep water bottles at their desks. But they also don't have A/C. :-( I think it's a great idea for them. Have a great week!
Annie can you do a step by step post on how you make and freeze your bean burritos pretty please?
They did the mid morning snack thing in Kgarten here....or was it 1st grade?
It was so long ago I can't recall now.lol It was a good thing...
I hate that the public school system, because of no child left behind & other mandated but unfunded crap, teaches to the tests anymore. Because the school is under such pressure to 'perform', the teachers(this is the high school)regularly plies the kids with junk food on standardized test days. Lots of crap and sugar to get the brain synapses happening so they stay awake to mark answers on the papers and then they send them home to crash and burn and have hormonal teenage meltdowns made worse by the junk....sigh
Oh I forgot to say that Kat looks cute in her 1st day duds.... ;-)
My ranting self kind of took over.
Kat looks adorable!
I have always homeschooled my children, but I think the snack option is wonderful! One of my kids eats a little bit every few hours, and I always wondered what she would do if whe went to public school. She is a senior in college now and can take a snack break between each of her classes if she needs to. :)
She looks like you! She is soooo cute!
And my kids could have snacks and it was all the same rules. Mine just got tired of the same thing over and over!
For MAPS testing last year, our PTA purchased "healthy" snacks for the kids. I was not happy that they were in plastic containers - I would've been happy to help cut up the fruit but convenience outweighs added trash to our landfills.
I LOLd at the dead batteries.
Yeah, our kids and now Belle always have to bring snack in elementary school. Last year, Belle had someone in the class who was allergic to peanuts, so we had to make sure she didn't bring anything with nuts or peanut butter in it.
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