Here are a couple of pics of the fridge we picked up for free this weekend from a craigslist ad. It needed a bit of cleaning but it was just typical dirty fridge stuff; nothing nasty. They had to take the doors off to get it out of their kitchen; they preferred to give it away rather than put it back together in order to sell it. It works great so far. It's about 10 years old, which is newer than the refrigerator we have in the kitchen, but because this one is almond color, we'll not move it inside (all of our other appliances are white).
We're not sure if the ice and water dispensers work, but since we don't have a water line in the garage, it doesn't matter anyway.
BTW (and as if you care, but for some reason I feel the need to explain), we don't always have soda in the fridge. We've been doing really well at cutting back on it, because it's full of empty calories and a waste of money. But it's a treat for us to take with us on our trip. However, I won't apologize for the beer. :)

LOL about the beer!!! I hope you have a great trip and the frig is a great find!
How is Shane's thumb?
Nice find. I would love to have a garage fridge just to keep extra drinks and things in.
SonyaAnn: His thumb is fine, but if it suddenly falls off, we now have extra fridge space to store it until we can get in to see the doctor. ;)
Sheila: We were without an extra fridge for about 3 months and I really missed it. Yogurt has been crazy cheap here (19¢ each for Dannon!), but I didn't have room to stock up as much as I would have liked. Also, I sometimes like to do Once-A-Week-Cooking and I really can't do that without the extra fridge.
Free is good!! Nice find.
Sw.eet! I've got one of those in my garage too, but it's not plugged in yet. Waiting for the "get rid of appliances" day in another week to be rid of our old one with the broken freezer section...
We mostly just use the extra one for extra milk and veggies. & Pop and extra food during holidays.
I found out FREE fridges isn't always good. I don't use my free extra fridge. It was a very old fridge and ran my electric bill up $34 a month! By the time I filled it with my "deals" (which was mainly pop and beer) stockpiled in there, I wasn't saving any money.
So I'm on the look out for a free/cheap more energy efficient fridge. It's not easy, it seems when I find one, hubby is working 5am-10pm and doesn't have time to get it before it's gone. :(
Lisa: In this case, free is very good!
McVal: The extra fridge is pretty indispensable during the the holidays, isn't it.
Lisa B: This free one is at least 5 years newer than the one we have in our kitchen, so it's probably MORE energy efficient. It's the one in the kitchen that should probably be replaced. We've had a spare fridge for the last 7 years. It's a luxury that's almost a necessity for us now...I haven't thought about the extra electric costs involved for ages.
But just to satisfy my curiousity, I pulled our electric bills (yes, I'm a geek and keep those things) and it looks like the one that quit working a couple of months ago, which was 15-20 years old, was only costing us $10-$12 a month. For us, the convenience of having it is easily worth that much.
Isn't there a law against NOT having beer in your extra garage fridge? I'm sure it's there if you dig far enough! We don't have an extra fridge, but do have a deep freeze in the garage and I would not want to do without it. You're right - it's indispensible for stocking up.
WOW! You sure can't beat FREE! Who cares what color it long as it works.
Free can be awesome evidently!lol
And I will never make a negative comment about what someone keeps in their fridge.....unless they are emulating Jeff Dahlmer....lolol
SCORE!! Have a great long weekend girl. ;-)
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